Monday, January 21, 2013

"Night Vision" using tricky painting and an LED...

Well... got a photo, finally, in near darkness using the green LED.  And yeah, this should look pretty damn sharp, when it is all done:)  The fact that they are all painting in blacks and greens REALLY makes this look monochromatic, almost... it really fools the eye:)

Now I have to think about the positioning of the SEAL team.  I have three guys on the move (one running who you see above, one jogging who you see behind him, and one basically standing still... so either a team breaking into a run, or slowing down).  Then I've got two guys taking a knee aiming, and the guy by the door with his fist in the air.  So... the three guys breaching, one kneeling guy at the back providing overwatch, the two guys as is by the door?  A closed fist DOES mean stop, though, right?  So should I reverse the order of the guys advancing, like they are slowing down/stopping as they approach the door?  Thoughts?


DeanM said...

Cool image! Very creative photography. Best, Dean

The Extraordinarii said...

Ideally you would have wanted a wider scene as most Sf teams stack up to the left or right of the target entry point (the door), with one guy watching the door and another watching there backs, the way I would set up your scene is the guy in a low crouch, he would be watching the door, he is armed with a SAW a good weapon for covering, the guy in a half crouch would be facing away from the team watching there backs, these two guys would be on the opposite side of the door to the rest of the team, then the team leader (guy with fist)on the opposite side of door hand signalling his team to 'breach bang and clear' his team moving around him heading straight for the door, guy with gun in the 'ready' position first followed by the two guys who have the guns facing down 'safety' position, this how I imagined your scene.
Great idea by the it.

Paint-In said...

Also take into consideration the hinges/doorhandle position in regards to the one giving coverfire. He would want to have a view inside as fast as possible so would be positioned on the side of the door where the hinges are (if the door opens inward) or on the other side (if the door opens outward).....

Simon Quinton said...

Wow this is looking great.

DHC Wargames said...

Lovely artistic work!!!